No. Title Date
361 Coconut Grove Waterfront and Spoil Islands master plan 2008-12
362 Collared peccary in their enclosure at Crandon Park Zoo 1967
363 Collared peccary walking in their enclosure at Crandon Park Zoo 1950/1970
364 Colleen and other giraffes exploring habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1970/1990
365 Colobus monkey tribe sitting and eating together at Miami Metrozoo 1970/1990
366 Community facilities plan, phase II 1960
367 Comprehensive analysis of neighborhoods in Miami 1961
368 Comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2011 2011
369 Comprehensive development master plan 1973/1974
370 Conducting a scan of your college access and success system : Why it matters. How to do it. How to use it. 2010-11
371 Conspiracy of ring-tailed lemurs playing in their enclosure at Crandon Park Zoo 1950/1970
372 Contestants of the Ms. Universe competition gathered around a water pool at Crandon Park Zoo 1960/1970
373 The Coral Villa Estates charrette area plan report 2011-01
374 Coral Way beautification master plan and design standards 2003-06
375 Cow sticking its tongue out over enclosure fence at Crandon Park Zoo 1967
376 Crandon Zoo Coloring Book 1960/1969
377 Crandon Zoo Coloring Book with Aardy, the world-famous aardvark 1967/1970
378 Crested wood Partridge and Red-crested Cardinal display at the Miami Metrozoo 1970/1990
379 Crime in Florida, Miami-Dade County, January - December, 2013. 2014
380 Crime statistics for Dade County, Florida, 1979 to 1985 1986