No. Title Date
41 Senegal Human Resources capacity gap assessment. Briefing note
42 Rope Pump
43 Project Brief: Capacity Building of Local/National WASH NGOs/CBOs in Africa (Cap-WASH)
44 Instrument pour le Sondage Cap-WASH projet Renforcement des capacités des ONG WASH local / national / OBC en Afrique
45 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Governance Training Program
46 Programme de formation sur la gouvernance en Eau, Assainissement et Hygiène (WASH)
47 Meeting the water and sanitation MDGs A Synthesis report on human resource capacity in NGOs and CBOs in three countries: Tanzania, Mozambique and Burkina Faso
48 Partnership THIWASCO and NWSC
49 Partenariat ONAD et ONAS
51 Baseline Study Report on Basic Hygiene Knowledge and Behavior in the Zinder Region of Niger
52 Partnership SONEB - ONEA
53 AfWA Newsletter No. 97
54 Project information sheet: AfRICap Program
55 Partnership SOMAGEP – ONEE
56 AfWA Newsletter No. 97
57 Periodic Monitoring of the Water Points in Burkina Faso
58 USAID WA WASH Aquatab marketing plan in Burkina Faso. Executive Summary
59 Baseline information on water sources, uses, and livelihood activities in MUS intervention areas in Burkina Faso. Executive Summary
60 Baseline on water accounting and hygiene practices in Ghana