No. Title Date
21 Final Florida Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Reference Case Projections 1990-2025 2008-10-01
22 Florida's Changing Sea Level 2008-05
23 Florida's Resilient Coasts 2007
24 Florida's Wildlife 2009
25 Floridian Coastline Recession 2008-02-18
26 Goodbye, Miami 2013-07-18
27 Governor's Action Team for Energy and Climate Change Phase II Process 2008
28 How the Experiences of Ancient Floridians Inform the Challenges of Sea-Level Rise Today 2010
29 Hurricane effects on subtropical pine rocklands of the Florida Keys 2011
30 The impact of sea-level rise on Snowy Plovers in Florida 2011
31 Impacts of past climate and sea level change on Everglades wetlands 2011
32 Improving the Resilience of a Municipal Water Utility Against the Likely Impacts of Climate Change 2009
33 Influence of potential sea level rise on societal vulnerability to hurricane storm-surge hazards, Sarasota County, Florida 2010
34 Influence of Sea-Level Oscillations During Highstands on Pleistocene Carbonate Shoals (Year 2) 2013
35 Initial Estimates of the Ecological and Economic Consequences of Sea Level Rise on the Florida Keys through the Year 2100 2010
36 Investigating the Effects of Climate Change on Hotspots of Coastal Erosion in Florida 2010
37 Landscape Conservation and Climate Change Scenarios for the State of Florida 2014-04-01
38 Lost in A Rising Sea 2012-09
39 Managing shoreline retreat 2013-02-11
40 Mangitude and timing of episodic sea-level rise during the last deglaciation