No. Title Date
181 USGS Global Change Science Strategy 2011
182 Sea-Level Change Considerations For Civil Works Programs 2011
183 2011 South Florida conservation report 2011-02
184 South Florida high intensity drug trafficking area : Drug market analysis 2011 2011
185 Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) : 2011 Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant REP Exercise 2011-04
186 Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2009 2011-04-15
187 National Key Deer Refuge transportation study report 2011-07
188 Reprt of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Trends and Implications of Climate Change for National and International Security 2011-10
189 Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Storage and Greenhouse-Gas Fluxes in the Great Plains Region of the United States 2011-11-21
190 Arctic Report Card: Update for 2011 2011-12
191 National Fish Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy Public Review Draft 2012-01
192 Climate Change & Development 2012-01
193 A study to evaluate reef recovery following injury and mitigation structures offshore Southeast Florida : phase II, final report 2012
194 Salinity and Hydrology of Florida Bay 2012
195 Implementing the Dry Tortugas National Park Research Natural Area Science Plan: The 5-Year Report 2012
196 Recommendations for Anticipating Sea-Level Rise Impacts on Louisiana Coastal Resources During Project Planning and Design 2012-01-24
197 Fort Lauderdale WAVE Streetcar Project, Tiger IV application : Project narrative 2012-03-19
198 Impacts of sea level rise on Florida's domestic energy and water infrastructure, Dr. Leonard Berry's testimony to the United States Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources 2012-04-19
199 A model housing transportation plan, coordinating housing and transportation 2012-06
200 Assessment of natural resource conditions in and adjacent to Biscayne National Park. Natural Resource Report NPS/BISC/NRR—2012/598 2012-12-01