No. Title Date
381 Third [3rd] South-South Citizenry-Based Development Academy 2011
382 Disaster risk management for communities 2011
383 IEG annual report 2011 2011
384 Managing weather risk for agricultural development and disaster risk reduction 2011
385 Reducing and Managing the risk of Tsunamis ( external resource | internal citation ) 2011
386 Earthquake Reconstruction ( external resource | internal citation ) 2011
387 25 Years of Partnerships in Building Safer Communities in Asia ( external resource | internal citation ) 2011
388 Disaster Risk Reduction in International Cooperation 2011
389 Report of the United Nations in Haiti 2011 ( external resource | internal citation ) 2011
390 Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction ( external resource | internal citation ) 2011
391 Promoting Use of Disaster Risk Reduction Information in Land-use Planning ( external resource | internal citation ) 2011
392 Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management ( external resource | internal citation ) 2011
393 Land acquisition and involuntary resettlement policy framework (LARPF) ( external resource | internal citation ) 2011
394 Tackling Climate Risk ( external resource | internal citation ) 2011
395 Extended programme of action for the implementation of the Africa regional strategy and disaster risk reduction (2006-2015) and declaration of the second African ministerial conference on disaster risk reduction, held in Nairobi, Kenya, 14-16 April 2010 2011
396 In-depth study on the United Nations contribution to the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action 2011-01
397 An overview of environment and disaster risk reduction in the Arab Region 2011
398 Lessons learned and way forward for resilient shelter interventions in rural Myanmar 2011
399 WASH and DRR integration during a flood response in Cordoba province, Colombia 2011
400 Integrating gender issues in community-based disaster risk management 2011