Netsuke: seated goat

Netsuke: seated goat  

accession number: MET 83.1.16
Publication Date:  1801/1900
Creator:  Masanao, School of Yamada
Format:  sculpture -- boxwood -- heigth: 1 1/2 -- width: 1 -- depth: 1
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Small sculpture -- Japan
Wearable art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: seated goat
Netsuke: seated monkey holding a peach

Netsuke: seated monkey holding a peach  

accession number: MET 80.3.67
Publication Date:  1801/1900
Format:  sculpture -- horn (stag) -- height: 1 3/4 -- width: 1 -- depth: 1
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Small sculpture -- Japan
Wearable art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: seated monkey holding a peach
Netsuke: seated sage figure leaning on an armrest

Netsuke: seated sage figure leaning on an armrest  

accession number: MET 76.23.15
Publication Date:  1801/1900
Format:  sculpture -- medium: ivory -- height: 1 7/8 -- width: 1 3/8 -- depth: 7/8
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Small sculpture -- Japan
Wearable art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: seated sage figure leaning on an armrest
Netsuke: seated tiger

Netsuke: seated tiger  

accession number: MET 83.1.21
Publication Date:  1701/1800
Creator:  Minko, Tsu School
Format:  sculpture -- boxwood -- height: 1 1/4 -- width: 1 3/4 -- depth: 1 1/4
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Small sculpture -- Japan
Wearable art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: seated tiger
Netsuke: Senin with frog

Netsuke: Senin with frog  

accession number: MET 78.10.20
Publication Date:  1830/1870
Format:  sculpture -- medium: porcelain, glaze -- height: 1 1/2 -- width: 1 1/8 -- depth: 1 1/4
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Small sculpture -- Japan
Wearable art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: Senin with frog
Netsuke: Sennin with Walking Stick

Netsuke: Sennin with Walking Stick  

accession number: MET 76.23.13
Publication Date:  1801/1900
Creator:  Hokkyō SESSAI
Format:  sculpture -- medium: wood (kurogaki) -- height: 1 3/8 -- width: 1 1/4 -- depth: 1 1/2
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: Sennin with Walking Stick
Netsuke: Sennin?

Netsuke: Sennin?  

accession number: MET 80.3.14
Format:  sculpture -- medium: ceramic, glaze -- height: 2 3/4 -- width: 1 -- depth: 1 1/8
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Small sculpture -- Japan
Wearable art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: Sennin?
Netsuke: Shishi and cubs

Netsuke: Shishi and cubs  

accession number: MET 83.1.20
Publication Date:  1801/1900
Creator:  Rensai, Asakusa School
Format:  sculpture -- ivory -- height: 1/4 -- width: 1/4 -- depth: 3/4
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Small sculpture -- Japan
Wearable art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: Shishi and cubs
Netsuke: Shoki and Oni

Netsuke: Shoki and Oni  

accession number: MET 80.3.79a,b
Publication Date:  1801/1870
Creator:  Mituhisa
Format:  sculpture -- ivory -- height: 1 3/4 -- width: 1 3/4 -- depth: 1/2
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Small sculpture -- Japan
Wearable art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: Shoki and Oni
Netsuke: spider

Netsuke: spider  

accession number: MET 80.3.12
Format:  sculpture -- medium: ceramic, glaze -- height: 1 1/4 -- width: 1 3/5 -- depth: 1
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Small sculpture -- Japan
Wearable art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: spider
Netsuke: squash

Netsuke: squash  

accession number: MET 78.10.6
Publication Date:  1760/1800
Creator:  Sari, Iwashiro School
Format:  sculpture -- boxwood -- height: 1 -- width: 1 1/2 -- depth: 1 1/2
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Small sculpture -- Japan
Wearable art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: squash
Netsuke: Standing Kirin

Netsuke: Standing Kirin  

accession number: MET 76.23.2
Publication Date:  1801/1900
Creator:  style of YOSHIMURA
Format:  sculpture -- medium: wisteria wood -- height: 2 -- width: 11/4
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: Standing Kirin
Netsuke: stylized bear

Netsuke: stylized bear  

accession number: MET 80.3.73
Publication Date:  1801/1900
Format:  sculpture -- wood (burl rootwood) -- height: 1 3/4 -- width: 1 -- depth: 1
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Small sculpture -- Japan
Wearable art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: stylized bear
Netsuke: swirl pattern (Koro lid)?

Netsuke: swirl pattern (Koro lid)?  

accession number: MET 80.3.27
Publication Date:  1801/1900
Format:  sculpture -- metal -- height: 1 -- width: 1 1/4 -- depth: 1 1/4
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Small sculpture -- Japan
Wearable art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: swirl pattern (Koro lid)?
Netsuke: tanuki badger

Netsuke: tanuki badger  

accession number: MET 76.23.8
Publication Date:  1760/1900
Creator:  Kokei
Format:  sculpture -- medium: boxwood, ivory -- height: 1 1/4 -- width: 1 1/4 -- depth: 1 1/4
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Small sculpture -- Japan
Wearable art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: tanuki badger
Netsuke: temple dog

Netsuke: temple dog  

accession number: MET 80.03.39
Publication Date:  1701/1900
Format:  sculpture -- medium: ivory -- height: 1 5/8 -- width: 1 1/4
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Small sculpture -- Japan
Wearable art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: temple dog
Netsuke: The Tongue-Cut Sparrow

Netsuke: The Tongue-Cut Sparrow  

accession number: MET 76.23.17
Publication Date:  1801/1850
Creator:  UNKNOWN, Japanese
Format:  sculpture -- medium: ivory -- height: 1 -- width: 13/4 -- depth: 13/8
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: The Tongue-Cut Sparrow
Netsuke: toad on a sandal

Netsuke: toad on a sandal  

accession number: MET 80.3.9
Publication Date:  1801/1900
Creator:  Masanao, School of Yamada-Ise
Format:  sculpture -- wood -- height: 2 -- width: 1 1/4 -- depth: 1/2
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Small sculpture -- Japan
Wearable art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: toad on a sandal
Netsuke: tortoise sitting on water lily pad

Netsuke: tortoise sitting on water lily pad  

accession number: MET 80.3.61
Publication Date:  1701/1800
Creator:  [Hogen Kantei]
Format:  sculpture -- ivory -- height: 1 1/4 -- width: 1 1/4 -- depth: 1/2
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Small sculpture -- Japan
Wearable art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: tortoise sitting on water lily pad
Netsuke: turtles and frogs on lotus pad

Netsuke: turtles and frogs on lotus pad  

accession number: MET 78.10.4
Publication Date:  1801/1870
Creator:  Sukiyuki
Format:  sculpture -- medium: wood (Hida wood) -- height: 1 1/4 -- width: 1 1/2 -- depth: 2
Subjects.Display:  Netsukes
Small sculpture -- Japan
Wearable art -- Japan
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Netsuke: turtles and frogs on lotus pad