No. Title Date
1 Disaster risk management in technical cooperation
2 Adaptation to climate change: causes, impacts, responses ( external resource | internal citation )
3 Bordering on a water crisis: the need for integrated resource management in the Mara River basin
4 Proceedings of GeoInformatics '95 Hong Kong International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems & Global Positioning Systems in Sustainable Development and Environmental Monitoring. Volume 2 1995-05
5 Human appropriation of renewable fresh water 1996-02-09
6 El daño y la evaluación del riesgo en América Central ( external resource | internal citation ) 1999-09
7 Marco estratégico para la reducción de vulnerabilidades y desastres naturales en Centroamérica ( external resource | internal citation ) 1999-10
8 Risk analysis: a basis for disaster risk management ( external resource | internal citation ) 2004
9 Disaster risk reduction: a development concern ( external resource | internal citation ) 2004
10 Linking poverty reduction to disaster risk management 2005
11 Disaster risk reduction 2006
12 Tomando acciones con un propósito en común 2007
13 Tiempo para entregar el relevo: 2007
14 Perspectives on social vulnerability ( external resource | internal citation ) 2007
15 Herramientas para la introducción de la reducción del riesgo de desastres 2007-01
16 Mara dryland becomes wetland 2007-11-26
17 The Hyogo Framework for Action and the International Federation 2008
18 Linking disaster risk reduction and poverty reduction 2008
19 Building disaster resilient societies ( external resource | internal citation ) 2008
20 Time to pass the baton: 2008-07