No. Title Date
1 Miami Beach Jewish Center
2 Instrument pour le Sondage Cap-WASH projet Renforcement des capacités des ONG WASH local / national / OBC en Afrique
3 Miami Shores Community Church - Old Pump house
4 Miami Shores Community Church Old Pump House Historical information card
5 Miami Shores Community Church Tower and Steeple
6 Miami Shores Community Church - Main Church Building
7 Miami Shores American Legion -article
8 Miami Shores Property Owners Association and Drawing Class
9 Village Community House Building 1930/1940
10 Community Church 1940/1949
11 The Casino after the hurricane, 1947 1947-09
12 Boynton Beach Casino, c. 1940s 1948/1950
13 Boynton Beach Casino, c 1948 1948
14 Boynton Beach Casino, c. 1953 1950/1955
15 Boynton Beach Casino, c. 1958 1950s
16 American-Finnish Tourist Club, c. 1955 1950/1959
17 Military band to perform at Sunkist Community Center in North Miami 1951-12-13
18 Community groups participating in parade at Sunkist Community Center 1951-12-13
19 Musical band playing at Sunkist Community Center event 1951-12-13
20 Fire Department engine 3 participating in parade at Sunkist Community Center event 1951-12-13