No. Title Date
1 Adaptation to climate change by reducing disaster risk 2009-11
2 Aligning regional and global disaster risk reduction agendas 2011
3 An overview of environment and disaster risk reduction in the Arab Region 2011
4 Annual report 2007 2007
5 Cities and resilience ( external resource | internal citation ) 2009-11
6 Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Europe 2011-06
7 Climate change and disaster risk reduction 2008
8 Climate resilient cities 2008
9 Disaster risk reduction 2007
10 Disaster risk reduction 2006
11 Early warning practices can save lives: selected examples 2010-08
12 Effective measures tu build resilience in Africa to adapt to climate change 2011-12
13 Extended programme of action for the implementation of the Africa regional strategy and disaster risk reduction (2006-2015) and declaration of the second African ministerial conference on disaster risk reduction, held in Nairobi, Kenya, 14-16 April 2010 2011
14 Gender perspective 2007
15 Global facility for disaster reduction and recovery 2007
16 Health, disasters and risk 2008-01
17 Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 2011-03
18 Hyogo framework for action 2005-2015 ( external resource | internal citation ) 2005
19 Implementation of the Hyogo Framewor for Action in the Americas 2009-06
20 Indicators of progress 2008