No. Title Date
3761 Everglades and first reclamation idea 1900/1920
3762 Poems 1910/1920
3763 Meeting held July 28th, 1896, for incorporation of the City of Miami, Florida 1896
3764 Sunset in the Miami River. Fla. 1900
3765 A corner of the Seminole Indian village at Silver Springs, Fla. 1900/1910
3766 Stringing beads at tropical Hobbyland Indian village, Miami, Fla. 1900/1940
3767 City of Miami cemetery records 1900/1930
3768 Mesta ognor 1900
3769 Home Sweet Home 1900
3770 I'll see you in C-u-b-a 1920
3771 The old Sally Port, Fort Jefferson 1900
3772 Plano de la Habana por D. Estéban T. Pichardo agrimensor y maestro de obras. Office of Chief Engineer City of Havana Map Showing approved Plan 1900
3773 Decreto para el gobierno de las escuelas públicas de Cuba, acompañado de un juego de modelos en blanco é instrucciones que servirán de guía para los funcionarios de las mismas. 1900
3774 Ocean beach property, now the location of Lummus Park 1900-1915
3775 Boat Pier 1909
3776 Men clearing land 1900-1915
3777 Palms lining a dirt path 1900-1915
3778 Warranty Deed between Joseph and Euphema Frow and D. H. Dorsety 1900-06-22
3779 Instrument of Writing. A. F. Quimby 1900-09-27
3780 My Ships. Song. The words by Ella Wheeler Wilcox (From poems published by Gay and Hancock, Ltd.) The Music by Augustus Barratt. 1901