No. Title Date
2221 Handmade Card from Bea Kalstein
2222 FIU Men's Soccer Team 1972-73
2223 Tamiami Campus West Florida International University Aerial 1972
2224 Trailer Complex
2225 North Campus Aerial Looking East
2226 Miami Beach hospitals and schools
2227 North Campus Florida International University looking west
2228 Virginia Key master plan : 2010, a forgotten natural wonder, a community planning process
2229 Aerial View of North Shore Open Space Park
2230 The Story of the Bond Election: General Background
2231 The Story of the Bond Election: What is a Bond Issue, Who Votes and How?
2232 The Story of the Bond Election: Storm and Sanitary Sewer Improvements
2233 The Story of the Bond Election: Extension of the South Shore Fishing Pier
2234 The Story of the Bond Election: An Ocean Pier at Lincoln Road
2235 The Story of the Bond Election: Fire Department Improvements
2236 The Story of the Bond Election: New Public Library Building
2237 The Story of the Bond Election: Alton Road Improvements
2238 The Story of the Bond Election: Paving and Sidewalks
2239 The Story of the Bond Election: Water Supply Improvements
2240 The Story of the Bond Election: Oceanfront Park