No. Title Date
1201 Pineapple field, c. 1927 1927
1202 Pineapple Field on Ridge West of Boynton, 1905 1905
1203 Pioneers with manatee, c. 1897 1895/1899
1204 Plat of Lantana Point, 1912 1912
1205 Playboy baseball team, 1967 1967-10-26
1206 Plu and Perk Live Bait shop, c. 1946 1940/1949
1207 Poinciana Elementary basketball team, 1942 1942
1208 Poinciana Elementary School, 1962 1962-11
1209 Poinciana Elementary School, 1962 1962-11
1210 Poinciana Elementary School basketball team, 1942 1942
1211 Poinciana Elementary School, c. 1962 1962
1212 Poinciana Elementary School, c. 1962 1962
1213 Poinciana school buildings, 1962 1962
1214 The Point Restaurant, 1946 1946
1215 Police officer promotion, 1965 1965
1216 Pool lounging, c. 1960 1955/1965
1217 Portrait of Alfred Smith, c. 1885 1880/1889
1218 Prefontaine's Souvenir, 1941 1941
1219 Preschool students, 1968 1968-01-11
1220 Principal Pfahl on his Indian motorcycle, c. 1914 1910/1919