No. Title Date
701 T-shirt shop, Dominica 1978
702 Man walking down the street, Dominica 1978
703 Dominica Banana Growers Association, Dominica 1978
704 Dominica Banana Growers Association, Dominica 1978
705 DaCosta & Musson (Dominica) Ltd. Dorset House 1978
706 Socialism soon. Grafitti on the wall 1978
707 No CIA. Grafitti on the wall 1978
708 Home Industries Co-op Ltd. Modern furniture dealers 1978
709 Two women walking in front of Home Industries Co-op Ltd. Modern furniture dealers 1978
710 Patrick John, Prime Minister of Dominica 1978/1980
711 General Anastasio Somoza 1978-08-22
712 Pope John Paul II at the Basilica of Guadalupe. President Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua. 1979-01-27
713 Henry Kissinger 1979-02-27
714 New Jewel Movement supporters and National Liberation Army 1979-03
715 New Jewel Movement supporters and National Liberation Army 1979-03
716 Angela Bishop, Phyllis Coard and a member of the National Liberation Army 1979-03
717 A woman talking about the Grenada Revolution and Eric Gairy regime in Grenada 1979-03-16
718 Maurice Bishop. Grenada. Press Conference. 1979-03-17
719 Anastasio Somoza 1979-03-30
720 Somoza Press Conference 1979-06-12