No. Title Date
7121 Bernard Liautaud
7122 Beginning of Dorsinville book
7123 Bernard Liautaud - Report
7124 George Brizan H.Q. Herbert Blaize - Guest House
7125 Paan Ramirez. Borge Nica
7126 Café Paris
7127 Carlos Fernandez
7128 Carol Sutton - Managing Editor for Louisville Courier
7129 Creole
7130 Dado Bunt
7131 Dead Die Twice
7132 Haiti
7133 Doctors Dominican Med Schools
7134 Doctor Laivez
7135 Doctor Louis Roy
7136 Interview with President Echeverria
7137 El Salvador
7138 El Salvador
7139 Diederich on Graham Greene. Father Alberto Huerta
7140 Sunday, June 28. Father's Day. Aristide (2)