No. |
Title |
Date |
7121 |
Beach and Houses (Florida Keys, Fla.) |
1937-11-21 |
7122 |
Beach at Bocachica |
1961-01 |
7123 |
Beach at Cape Sable, Everglades National Park, Florida |
1920/1929 |
7124 |
Beach at Roman Pools (Miami Beach, Fla.) |
2020-01 |
7125 |
Beach at Santa Marta, Hotel Tamacá 1 |
1961-02-05 |
7126 |
Beach at Santa Marta, Hotel Tamacá 2 |
1961-02-05 |
7127 |
Beach at Santa Marta, Hotel Tamacá 3 |
1961-02-05 |
7128 |
7129 |
Beach by Ocean Drive (Miami Beach, Fla.) |
1922-05-05 |
7130 |
Beach corridor transit connection study - final report |
2015-06 |
7131 |
Beach Erosion Control Report on Cooperative Study of Virginia Key and Key Biscayne, Florida |
1961 |
7132 |
Beach front, Punta del Este, Uruguay |
1973-03 |
7133 |
Beach goers at the beach, mid 1950s |
1955 |
7134 |
Beach, Guantanamo Bay |
1995-09/1996-01 |
7135 |
Beach, Guantanamo Bay 1 |
1995-09/1996-01 |
7136 |
Beach, Guantanamo Bay 2 |
1995-09/1996-01 |
7137 |
The Beach Guide Spring/Summer 2005 |
2005 |
7138 |
Beach litter on Miami Beach |
2000/2010 |
7139 |
Beach scene |
7140 |
Beach scene at the Miami Beach Casino |
1920/1929 |