Postcard of the Oldest School House with Horse Carriage, from St. George Street, looking West

Material Information

Postcard of the Oldest School House with Horse Carriage, from St. George Street, looking West
Series Title:
Large Block and Lot Photographs, St. Augustine
Uniform Title:
Oldest School House
Hannau, H. W.
Florida Souvenir Co.
Physical Location:
B12 L30, Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse


General Note:
OLDEST WOODEN SCHOOLHOUSE IN U. S. A.,; St. Augustine, Fla. Built during the First Spanish occupation long before the Revolutionary War. It is constructed of red cedar and cypress and put together with wooden pegs. The schoolmaster and family lived in this ancient building. The old fashioned kitchen is separated from the main building and contains cooking utensils used in the olden days.; Color photograph by H. W. Hannau; Florida Souvenir Co., 72 Spanish Street, St. Augustine, Florida; FNC-860; 1065; 2 copies

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:

dpSobek Membership

Unearthing St. Augustine's Colonial Heritage