Treasury Street from Bay Street to Spanish Street -- south side

Material Information

Treasury Street from Bay Street to Spanish Street -- south side
Series Title:
Restored Historic Street Elevations
Uniform Title:
Restored Historic Street Elevations
Manucy, Albert (?)
St. Augustine Restoration, Inc.
Physical Location:
Graphics Drawer #2


General Note:
Page 1; Page 3
General Note:
[It is unclear if this series is a rendering of how the streets looked at a specific period in time, or if this is a rendering of desired restoration projects to occur along the streets. It is likely that it is the former, which would have been used to guide the latter]; SECURITY; Not to leave Comm. office under any circumstances; No. 15-1; No. 15-3

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
B3-L1; B9-L14-17; B9-L1; B14-L1

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Unearthing St. Augustine's Colonial Heritage