Letter from J. E. Moseley

Material Information

Letter from J. E. Moseley
Willson, James Mallory
Moore-Willson, Minnie, b. 1863 ( contributor )
Moseley, J. E ( contributor )
Reclaiming the Everglades ( contributor )
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
2 p. : ;


Subjects / Keywords:
Canals -- Florida -- Everglades ( lcsh )
Trees -- Florida -- Everglades ( lcsh )
Apopka, Lake (Fla.)
non-fiction ( marcgt )
Target Audience:
general ( marctarget )


Discusses drainage canal between Lake Apopka and Tahopkulega, and timber tracts near Lake Okeechobee.
Scope and Content:
1. [Letter] 1921 July 29, Maitland, Fla. [to] James Mallory Willson. 2. [Letter] 1921 July 29, Maitland, Fla. [to] James Mallory Willson.
Electronic format produced as part of Reclaiming the Everglades, a collaborative project of the University of Miami, Florida International University, and the Historical Museum of Southern Florida, funded by the Library of Congress/Ameritech National Digital Library Program.
General Note:
From the Minnie Moore-Willson papers.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
University of Miami
Rights Management:
Please contact the owning institution for licensing and permissions. It is the users responsibility to ensure use does not violate any third party rights.
Resource Identifier:
000004145 ( ALEPH )
AAA1355 QF ( NOTIS )