The Miami Herald Article and Photos of Miami Beach's Finest - All of them, 1920s

Material Information

The Miami Herald Article and Photos of Miami Beach's Finest - All of them, 1920s
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Florida--Miami Beach
Miami Herald Publishing Company
newspaper ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage:
Florida--Miami Beach


The Miami Herald B&W article and photos of Miami Beach's Finest - All of Them, 1920s (photo of 4 officers "the City at that time did not have much of a traffic problem or law enforcement difficulties). 1960's photo The entire Miami Beach Police Force of 1921 and the Motorcycle Squad Now, 200 men and women. Today's police force is specialized into various departments such as detective, traffic and juvenile. The problems they face are more difficult to handle than those of the police force in the 1920's. Also photo of Police Force of Miami Beach in 1921 L to R: George Stinson, Milton Carr, C.E. Brogdon, Chief, Earl H. Venno, L.A. Jones, Ed Schiber, Frank Dickey, Councilman and Police Commissioner of that time; James Hickey, W. Vandenburg, Desk Sergeant Holtzclaw. Photo taken in front of City Hall. ( en )

Record Information

Source Institution:
City of Miami Beach
Holding Location:
City of Miami Beach
Rights Management:
Resource Identifier:
MB 1320