Miami City Ballet ribbon cutting ceremony, 2000

Material Information

Miami City Ballet ribbon cutting ceremony, 2000
Publication Date:


January 2000 33 color photos - Miami City Ballet Ribbon Cutting Ceremony – photo of plaque reads “With thanks to the City of Miami Beach for its generous support, Mayor Seymour Gelber, Mayor Neisen Kasdin, Commissioners Matti Herrera Bower, Simon Cruz, David Dermer, Sy Eisenberg, Luis R. Garcia, Jr., Susan Gottlieb, Nancy Liebman, David Pearlson, Martin Shapiro and Jose Smith. Construction Committee: Juan P. Loumiet, Chair, Andrew Ansin, Richard b. Bronson, Michael R. Hammon, Janá Sigars-Malina, Stanley H. Arkin, Construction Consultant, Arquitectonica, Architects, Stobs Brothers Construction, General Contractor, Edward Villella, Founding Artistic Director, Richard Lane, Construction Coordinator, and Mark B. Rosenblum, Chief Financial Officer, dedicated January 2000.

Record Information

Source Institution:
City of Miami Beach
Holding Location:
City of Miami Beach
Rights Management:
Please contact the owning institution for licensing and permissions. It is the users responsibility to ensure use does not violate any third party rights.
Resource Identifier:
MB 1093