The Miami Beach Triumvirate

Material Information

The Miami Beach Triumvirate
Publication Date:


Circa 1914 B&W Print titled The Miami Beach Triumvirate - showing photographs of John S. Collins, Carl Graham Fisher and Thomas Jessup Pancoast. From the Miami Beach Public Library. Next page shows photographs courtesy of Thomas J. Pancoast, 1) fifty mules did their share of the work in building the city 2) later even Fisher's elephants did their part. This is young Carl pulling a sand scoop. 3) Water power too, was employed in the grading process.

Record Information

Source Institution:
City of Miami Beach
Holding Location:
City of Miami Beach
Rights Management:
Please contact the owning institution for licensing and permissions. It is the users responsibility to ensure use does not violate any third party rights.
Resource Identifier:
MB 928