Oceanfront Hotels, Miami Beach

Material Information

Oceanfront Hotels, Miami Beach
Series Title:
Miami Beach 1980s postcards
Florida Natural Color, Inc.
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
Series includes 64 postcards (untraveled) : col. ill ; 11 x 14 cm.
Physical Location:
Box 26. Third Floor, City Hall.


Subjects / Keywords:
Miami Beach (Fla.)--Pictorial works. ( lcsh )
Miami Beach (Fla.)--Buildings, structures, etc.--Pictorial works. ( lcsh )
Tourism--1980-1990. ( lctgm )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Miami Beach


General Note:
LUXURIOUS OCEAN FRONT HOTELS along the Atlantic, looking north from 43rd Street. In a little over half a century Miami Beach has grown from a former Coconut palm plantation to a position as the resort capital of the world. Cooled by the trade winds in the summer and warmed by the Gulf Stream in the winter creates an unbeatable climate. Fabulous hotels and motels with luxurious accommodation make the visitors' stay extremely pleasant.

Record Information

Source Institution:
City of Miami Beach
Holding Location:
City of Miami Beach
Rights Management:
Resource Identifier:
MB 892, MB 892_10