Correspondence relating to Tamiami Trail, Ochopee and Collier County

Material Information

Correspondence relating to Tamiami Trail, Ochopee and Collier County
Jaudon, James Franklin, 1873-1938
Reed, Frances ( contributor )
Reclaiming the Everglades ( contributor )
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
5 items (7 p.) : ;


Subjects / Keywords:
Collier County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Ochopee (Fla.)
Tamiami Trail (Fla.)
Writers Program -- Florida ( lcsh )
non-fiction ( marcgt )
Target Audience:
general ( marctarget )


Letters suggesting attachment of name plaques to trees planted along Tamiami Trail, declining the naming of a bridge after Jaudon, and providing information for the Federal Writers' Project. Mentions C. S. (Ted) Smallwood and George W. Storter. Correspondents include Frances Reed, District Supervisor, Federal Writers' Project.
Scope and Content:
1. [Letter] 1930 Sept. 27 to County Commissioners, Dade County, Miami, Fla. 2. [Letter] 1931 Dec. 14, Miami, Fla. to E.G. Wilkinson, Naples, Fla. 3. [Letter] 1936 April 2, Miami, Fla. to James F. Jaudon, Ochopee, Fla. 4. [Letter] to James Franklin Jaudon. 5. [Letter] 1936 April 8, Ochopee, Fla. to Frances Reed and Grover Theis, Federal Writers Project, Miami, Fla.
Electronic format produced as part of Reclaiming the Everglades, a collaborative project of the University of Miami, Florida International University, and the Historical Museum of Southern Florida, funded by the Library of Congress/Ameritech National Digital Library Program.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
Rights Management:
Resource Identifier:
000004212 ( ALEPH )
AAA1423 QF ( NOTIS )