Virginia Key Beach Park Trust February 2005 Meeting

Material Information

Virginia Key Beach Park Trust February 2005 Meeting
Series Title:
Virginia Key Beach Park Trust Meeting
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Virginia Key Beach Park (Miami, Fla.)
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Virginia Key
25.735959 x -80.155953


General Note:
Present at the meeting from the Trust are: Enid Pinkney, Maud Newbold, Eugenia B. Thomas, Mark Walters, M. Athalie Range, Gene Tinnie, Miguel Germain, Gustavo Godoy, and Bernice Sawyer. During the meeting the Trust listens to a presentation from the city of Miami's capital improvements deputy director Jorge Cano. Cano provides an update about the projects regarding Historic Virginia Key Beach Park such as the restoration projects, the parking lot improvement plan, and the installation of storm drains and pumps at the park. During the course of the presentation, Cano and project manager Edgar Espinosa, note that they parking lot improvement plan takes into account the future museum. Next, the Trust listens to a presentation from Peggy Calhoun about locating philanthropic resources to help fund the Trust's goals for Historic Virginia Key Beach. Then the Trust listens to reports from the various committees and discusses a draft of the text written for the historical marker. The Trust then discusses a resolution regarding employees' retirement plans and as well as plans for the Sunset Toast event scheduled for April 16, 2005. The toast event will allow the public to thank the Trust and its efforts to restore Historic Virginia Key Beach Park. Additionally, the Sunset Toast event will offer the public a preview of the oral history documentary. The meeting ends with Guy Forchion providing the Trust with an update from the Environment and Nature committee regarding dune restoration along the beach and exotic plant removal.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Virginia Key Beach Park Trust
Holding Location:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Resource Identifier:

dpSobek Membership

Virginia Key Beach Park Trust