Discussion among members of Trust

Material Information

Discussion among members of Trust


Subjects / Keywords:
Virginia Key Beach Park (Miami, Fla.) ( lcsh )
Range, Athalie, 1916-2006
25.735959 x -80.155953


Gene Tinnie (on right), Chairman of the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust, listens to another member speak during a meeting. To his left is Athalie Range, a civil rights activist and political who is a member of the Trust. Virginia Key Beach Park was opened in 1945 and was known as "the colored beach" during the era of racial segregation in the South. The park was closed in 1982 due to high maintenance and operating costs and the park subsequently fell into disrepair. In 1999, a group of citizens formed the Virginia Key Beach Park Task Force to resurrect and restore this historic site. ( en )

Record Information

Source Institution:
Virginia Key Beach Park Trust
Holding Location:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Please contact the owning institution for licensing and permissions. It is the users responsibility to ensure use does not violate any third party rights.
Resource Identifier:

dpSobek Membership

Virginia Key Beach Park Trust