Player group photo

Material Information

Player group photo
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Virginia Key Beach Park (Miami, Fla.) ( lcsh )
25.763694 x -80.484163


A group photograph of former pro football players and other guests at the 2008 Larry Little Legends Golf Classic Pairings Reception. Former players from left to right: Ted Hendricks, Nat Moore, Larry Little (in light blue), Deacon Jones (in baseball cap), Ken Houston, and Elvin Bethea. Larry Little played right guard on the history-making 1972 Miami Dolphins, racking up many individual accollades and awards. He is a 2-time Super Bowl champion and was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1993. He is also dedicated to supporting the Virginia Key Beach Trust to ensure the preservation and upkeep of the historic park that he himself visited as a child during segregation. ( en )

Record Information

Source Institution:
Virginia Key Beach Park Trust
Holding Location:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Please contact the owning institution for licensing and permissions. It is the users responsibility to ensure use does not violate any third party rights.
Resource Identifier:

dpSobek Membership

Virginia Key Beach Park Trust