Clipping from the Diario de la Marina Abril Lamarque (pictured second from right) standing with group at the Hotel McAlpin in New York

Material Information

Clipping from the Diario de la Marina Abril Lamarque (pictured second from right) standing with group at the Hotel McAlpin in New York
Lamarque Sarno, Martha


Hace Dias se celebro en el Hotel McAlpin, de Nueva York, una cena en onor del destacado profesor y escritor cubano doctor Jorge Mañach, como acto de despedidia, con motivo de su proximo regreso a Cuba. A esta cena concurrieron mas de un centenar de per- entre las que se contaban los profesores y escritores hispanos mas notables radicados en Nueva York. En la foto aparece el doctor acompnado de los organizadores del homenaje. Derecha a izquierda: el companero Manuel Bada, el escritor mexicano, Rembao, Dr. Jorge Mañach, Margo Banos de Manach, doctor Julio Cantala, Roberto Gatica, el dibujante cubano Abril Lamarque Bartolo Estrada. (Foto D. M.) Diario de la Marina ( en )
Days ago, a dinner was held at the McAlpin Hotel in New York in honor of the prominent Cuban professor and writer Dr. Jorge Mañach, as a farewell ceremony, on the occasion of his forthcoming return to Cuba. This dinner was attended by more than a hundred people, including the most notable Hispanic professors and writers based in New York. In the photo appears the doctor accompanied by the organizers of the tribute. Right to left: the companero Manuel Bada, the Mexican writer, Rembao, Dr. Jorge Mañach, Margo Banos de Mañach, doctor Julio Cantala, Roberto Gatica, the Cuban cartoonist Abril Lamarque Bartolo Estrada. (Photo D. M.) Journal of the Navy ( en )

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Florida International University
Holding Location:
Special Collections and University Archives
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