Patient Emma Carvajal rescued from the Hospital ruins by Manuela Carcasses after the 1932 earthquake

Material Information

Patient Emma Carvajal rescued from the Hospital ruins by Manuela Carcasses after the 1932 earthquake
Lamarque Sarno, Martha
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 b&w photograph


Written on verso: De entre los escombros del Hospital fue sacada la senora Emma Carvajal, que habia sido operada poco antes de ocurrir el terremoto. La enfermera que aparece a su lado, senorita Manuela Carcasses, fue quien extrajo a la enferma de entre las ruinas que ponian en peligro su vida. Aqui aparece bajo una de las tiendas de campana levantadas en el patio del Hospital. ( en )
Translation of verso: Mrs. Emma Carvajal, who had undergone surgery shortly before the earthquake, was pulled from the rubble of the hospital. The nurse who appears at her side, Miss Manuela Carcasses, was the one who extracted the patient from the ruins that put her life in danger. Here it appears under one of the bell tents erected in the courtyard of the Hospital. ( en )

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
Special Collections and University Archives
Rights Management:
Resource Identifier: