Material Information

Reel to Reel- Tape 047
Rodriguez, Arsenio ( Performer )
Pancho el Bravo ( Performer )
Aragon ( Performer )
Melodias ( Performer )
Sensacion ( Performer )
America ( Performer )
Ritmo Oriental ( Performer )
Chappottin ( Performer )
Gonzalez, Neno ( Performer )
Barrosso ( Performer )
Andrew Kaufman
Physical Description:
Reel to Reel


General Note:
Side #1: Left: Arsenio Rodriguez 78's records including Master II /. Right: 1._____, 2._____ (Pancho El Bravo), 3. Envidia (Aragon), 4. Esta Melodias, 5. Tunas Bayamos, 6. Esta Melodia (Melodias), 7. Ensalda Sensacion, 8.______ (Sensacion), 9. Dulce Guayaba (Aragon), 10. Yo No Camino Mas (America), 11. Black is Black (Aragon) /. Side #2: Left: Same content as side #1 /. Right: 1. Besito La Francesca, 2. _______, 3.________, 4. Ya Llego Mi Compay, 5.______, 6._______ (Pancho El Bravo), 7. Ritmo Jorpo, 8. Besame Ya (Ritmo Oriental), 9._______ (Chappottin), 10. Pata-Pata, 11. Hard Days Night (Gonzalez, Neno) /.
General Note:
Side #1, right: live recordings; "Ensalada Sensacion" features Barrosso; "Black is Black" performed on Short Wave ___ in NYC; side #2, right: Recorded in Key West.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
Diaz Ayala Collection
Rights Management:
Sound clips (demo and full length) for both songs are available online. The access to full length sound files limited to on-campus users only. The Sound and Image Department at FIU Library does not claim copyright for any item in the collection. Copies for transmission, broadcast, reproduction, publishing, etc., not covered by fair use, require the written permission of the copyright owners. The user assumes all responsibility for clearing reproduction rights and fees as well as any infringement of United States copyright law (U.S. Code, Title 17).
Resource Identifier:
AKC047 ( local )