Stone male figure

Material Information

Stone male figure
Barnett, Etta


Temporal Coverage:
BC ( 500 - 100 )
Spatial Coverage:
Costa Rica.


Figurine stone. 23 x 6 1/2 x 7 1/2 cm. Stylized male figure in form of weapon or tool. Details of arms, legs, buttocks and genitals in shallow, but sharp, bas relief. Prov: Costa Rica (region unknown). Probably middle pre-formative period. Most probable date 500 B.C. - 100 A.D.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
|Special Collections and University Archives
Rights Management:
Please contact the owning institution for licensing and permissions. It is the users responsibility to ensure use does not violate any third party rights.
Resource Identifier:
17 ( Item No. )

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FIU Special Collections