Mapping tree canopy in Broward County, Florida

Material Information

Mapping tree canopy in Broward County, Florida
Marrow, Victoria
Young, Jill
Roberts, Charles
Publication Date:
Physical Description:


"Tree canopy is essential to environmental and economic health, providing additional cooling, reducing energy needs, increasing property values, improving air/water quality, reducing the cost of storm water control, and contributing to a more beautiful, friendlier, and livable community. Broward County Government recognizes the importance of gathering accurate information on the health and diversity of the community's urban forest. Despite having the expertise and the tools to acquire a total tree canopy, hardware/software issues and other unexpected hurdles made this endeavor problematic, yet in the end successful. This paper addresses the methodology used to create Broward County's tree canopy layer."

Record Information

Source Institution:
South Florida Collection, Government Resources and Information Department, Green Library, Florida International University
Holding Location:
FIU Government Documents
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