Assesment of gender integration capacities among the USAID WA WASH program parters. Executive Summary

Material Information

Assesment of gender integration capacities among the USAID WA WASH program parters. Executive Summary
Florida International University
Place of Publication:
Florida International University
Publication Date:


The gender assessment was conducted with 10 of the USAID WA-WASH Program partners namely Winrock, WaterAid, CARE, SOS Sahel, FIU, IRC, IWA, RAIN, Eau Vive, and VDS. The assessment was conducted at two levels. First, a preliminary self-assessment was conducted in September 2012 through a simple survey administered through emails. It was a quick appraisal of partners’ capacities in gender integration. The self-assessments showed that the gender capacity of USAID WA-WASH partners ranged from moderately to highly experience in regard to gender integration concepts and tools. All the partners either had at least one staff with exposure to gender concepts or are actively supported by experienced gender staff from the organization’s headquarters. Five of the eight USAID WA-WASH Program partners reported that gender integration was “sometimes” part of their organizations’ approach to developing projects and interventions and three reported that it is “always” part of their organization’s approach.
Content Advice:
This publication was funded by the people of the United States through the Agency for International Development (USAID) within the framework of the West Africa Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (USAID WA-WASH) Program. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Agency for International Development of the United States Government.
General Note:
Executive summary

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Florida International University
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