FCE III Year One Annual Report for NSF Award Deb-1237517

Material Information

FCE III Year One Annual Report for NSF Award Deb-1237517
Gaiser, Evelyn E.
Heithaus, Michael R.
Jaffe, Rudolf
Ogden, Laura
Price, Rene M.
Florida International University
Florida International University -- Department of Biological Sciences and Marine Sciences Program
Florida International University -- Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry -- Southeast Environmental Research Center
Florida International University
Florida International University
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Everglades National Park (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Groundwater ( lcsh )
Groundwater -- Florida ( lcsh )
Hydrology -- Florida ( lcsh )


Scope and Content:
Year 1 activities have included updating our membership and transitioning leadership to FCE III structure. Leaders presented progress and goals and new members were welcomed at the 2013 All Scientists Meeting. Working group activities are commencing through workshops, and long-term data collections continue without interruption. Synthesis has begun in earnest through three book-writing workshops. FCE data are now available through PASTA. Researchers and staff have been engaged in Network communications planning and implementation, while maintaining core and new public communications and partnerships in South Florida. FCE researchers have also been expanding collaborations across coastal LTER sites through proposals and contributions to the special coastal LTER issue of Oceanography.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
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