Paleofluvial Mega-Canyon Beneath the Central Greenland Ice Sheet

Material Information

Paleofluvial Mega-Canyon Beneath the Central Greenland Ice Sheet
Series Title:
Science Magazine Volume 341 Number 997
Bamber, Jonathan L.
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Climate Change ( lcsh )
Ice Sheets ( lcsh )
Greenland ( lcsh )
Antarctica ( lcsh )


Subglacial topography plays an important role in modulating the distribution and flow of basal water. Where topography predates ice sheet inception, it can also reveal insights into former tectonic and geomorphological processes. Although such associations are known in Antarctica, little consideration has been given to them in Greenland, partly because much of the ice sheet bed is thought to be relatively flat and smooth. Here, we present evidence from ice-penetrating radar data for a 750-km-long subglacial canyon in northern Greenland that is likely to have influenced basal water flow from the ice sheet interior to the margin. We suggest that the mega-canyon predates ice sheet inception and will have influenced basal hydrology in Greenland over past glacial cycles. ( English )

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
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