Steep reverse bed slope at the grounding line of the Weddell Sea sector in West Antarctica

Material Information

Steep reverse bed slope at the grounding line of the Weddell Sea sector in West Antarctica
Series Title:
Nature Geoscience
Ross, Neil
Bingham, Robert G.
Corr, Hugh F.J.
Ferraccioli, Fausto
Jordan, Tom A.
LeBrocq, Anne
Macmillan Publishers Limited
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Climate Change ( lcsh )
Antarctica ( lcsh )
Ice Sheets ( lcsh )
Sea Level Rise ( lcsh )


The bed of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is, in places, more than 1.5 km below sea level. It has been suggested that a positive ice-loss feedback may occur when an ice sheet’s grounding line retreats across a deepening bed. Applied to the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, this process could potentially raise global sea level4 by more than 3 m. Hitherto, attention has focussed on changes at the Siple Coast and Amundsen Sea embayment sectors of West Antarctica. Here, we present radio-echo sounding information from the ice sheet’s third sector, the Weddell Sea embayment, that reveals a large subglacial basin immediately upstream of the grounding line. The reverse bed slope is steep, with about 400 m of decline over 40 km. The basin floor is smooth and flat, with little small-scale topography that would delay retreat, indicating that it has been covered with marine sediment and was previously deglaciated. Upstream of the basin, well-defined glacially carved fjords with bars at their mouths testify to the position of a former ice margin about 200 km inland from the present margin. Evidence so far suggests that theWeddell Sea sector of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet has been stable, but in the light of our data we propose that the region could be near a physical threshold of substantial change. ( English )

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
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