Sea Level Change

Material Information

Sea Level Change
Church, John A.
Clark, Peter U.


Subjects / Keywords:
Climate change ( lcsh )
Sea level rise ( lcsh )
Glaciers ( lcsh )


Changes in sea level represent an integration of many aspects of climate change, and thus occur over a broad range of temporal and spatial scales. The primary contributors to global averaged sea level change are the expansion/contraction of the ocean as it warms/cools and the transfer of water to/from the ocean/land, particularly from glaciers and ice sheets. The amount of sea level change at any given location depends on global aspects of the climate system as well as on regional and local phenomena. As a result, regional sea level change may differ from the global average. We consider sea level measured with respect to the surface of the solid Earth which itself may be moving (relative sea level), and also sea level relative to the Earth’s centre of mass (geocentric sea level). We also consider changes in extreme sea level events waves as these may also impact coastal and island communities and ecosystems. ( English )

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
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