E-Letter response to: Perspective: Society and Sea Level Rise Requires Modelling

Material Information

E-Letter response to: Perspective: Society and Sea Level Rise Requires Modelling
Series Title:
Science Magazine
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Climate change ( lcsh )
Sea level rise ( lcsh )
Coastal management ( lcsh )


Scope and Content:
We disagree with Pilkey and Cooper’s statement that "we cannot accurately predict shoreline retreat related to SLR [sea level rise]." First, contrary to their assertion, the Bruun Rule has been validated with field data under conditions of rapid and significant relative sea-level rise and/or fall on beaches around the Great Lakes, the Caspian Sea, and a subsiding coastal plain in Japan . However, many coasts are under near-stillstand conditions and only experienced slow rates of sea-level rise during the 20th century [e.g., U.S. East Coast]. ( English )

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Source Institution:
Florida International University
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