Defense, National Security & Climate Change

Material Information

Defense, National Security & Climate Change Building Resilience and Identifying Opportunities Related to Water, Energy and Extreme Events
Ida Arabshahi
Chase Raines
Association of Climate Change Officers
Publication Date:


Scope and Content:
Since 1900, the global population has increased over fourfold, putting unprecedented strain on our planet’s resources and life supporting systems. Humanity’s contribution of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to the atmosphere has begun to cause Earth’s climate to change, warming hundreds of times faster than it has at any point so far in our planet’s history. Awareness of climate change is growing in the defense community, exemplified by the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), which was the first version of the guiding defense document to explicitly consider how climate change might affect the defense mission. On June 25-­‐26, 2012, over 130 leaders working in the climate and defense nexus gathered in Washington, DC to participate in a workshop titled “Defense, National Security and Climate Change: Building Resilience and Identifying Opportunities Related to Water, Energy and Extreme Events.” During those two days, participants shared insights in roundtable sessions and listened to leaders representing a broad range of organizations and perspectives. The workshop aimed to present a variety of perspectives from the defense and associated communities on the national security and defense implications of climate change. By bringing together the leading minds in the field, the workshop sparked important conversations and allowed participants to learn and share insights on the state of climate change work in the defense community. The purpose of this paper is to distill some of the main themes and ideas derived from the workshop and synthesize what was learned. It is the goal of the paper to not merely summarize the events of the workshop, but to analyze and discuss some of the important ideas that emerged from it.

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Florida International University
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