Water  Quality  Monitoring  Project  for  Demonstration  of  Canal  Remediation  Methods  Florida  Keys- Report  #2:  Canal  Water  Characterization  Before  Remediation  and  Monitoring  After  Remediation

Material Information

Water Quality Monitoring Project for Demonstration of Canal Remediation Methods Florida Keys- Report #2: Canal Water Characterization Before Remediation and Monitoring After Remediation
Henry O. Briceno
Alexandra Serna
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Florida Keys (Fla.)


This report serves as a summary of our efforts to date in the execution of the Water Quality Monitoring Project for Demonstration of Canal Remediation Methods, and a channel to deliver the datasets generated during field and laboratory measurements. The period of record for this report is Jan. 2015- Sep. 2015 and includes data from two sampling events. Data from Mar. 2014- Dec. 2014 are included for comparison and they were presented in a previous report. The objective of the project is to provide data needed to make unbiased, statistically rigorous statements about the status and temporal trends of water quality parameters in the remediated canals. The execution of the project includes two phases: 1) Characterization stage with two measuring/ sampling campaigns. Monitoring stage after remediation in this report consist of two measuring/ sampling campaigns. Data was gathered using three techniques, measuring vertical profiles (casts), continuous 24-hour recording (diel) of physical- chemical properties, and water sampling and analysis for nutrients. We deployed multi-sensor, water quality monitoring instruments (SeaBird CTD and YSI) to measure physicochemical parameter of at least two profiles throughout the water column at each canal, to generate depth profiles of each parameter. We also deployed pairs of YSI sondes to continuously measure physical- chemical variables of water quality during 24-hours.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
Florida International University
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Please contact the owning institution for licensing and permissions. It is the users' responsibility to ensure use does not violate any third party rights.
Resource Identifier:

dpSobek Membership

Southeast Environmental Research Center