Guidance notes on safer school construction

Material Information

Guidance notes on safer school construction
Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery GFDRR Secretariat
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
Place of Publication:
Washington, DC
New York, NY
Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery GFDRR Secretariat
INEE Secretariat
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Risk management ( lcshac )
Natural hazards and disasters ( lcshac )
Schools -- Safety ( lcshac )
non-fiction ( marcgt )


These guidelines were developed by the World Bank’s Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies and its Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) in cooperation with other disaster management agencies. They are intended for local, regional, and national stakeholders tasked with developing and maintaining hazard-resistant schools and ensuring safe school populations. The guidelines are designed to help policy makers implement the National Action Plan for Safe Schools. The recent increase in disaster deaths has heightened the urgency with which schools located in high-risk areas must be made disaster-resistant and disaster-resilient. These guidance notes provide a framework to assist stakeholders in developing construction and retro-fitting plans for their school buildings. Safe school construction yields benefits that extend beyond the school hours and the student population the buildings are designed to protect. Hazard-resistant school structures serve as safe havens and centers from which to conduct recovery operations in the event of disaster. Thus, properly built schools can offer protection to the local community, as well as to the student body they regularly host. The flexibility of the guidelines is highlighted with examples of schools that successfully implemented reconstruction plans with limited resources. The guidelines are presented in stepwise form to facilitate a methodological approach to designing a comprehensive reconstruction plan that is tailored to the needs of individual schools. Each step describes challenges and considerations specific to each stage and contains suggestions for adaptation, in addition to resource information for those requiring further study of each topic. An extensive resource list on methodologies, standards, and assessment procedures appears in the appendix. ( English )
Education - Disaster Risk Reduction ( English )
Scope and Content:
Terminology: a chart of key terms p. iv; 1. Executive Summary p. 1; 2. The Need for Safer Schools: Introduction, Objectives and Scope p. 9; 3. We CAN Build Safer Schools: Case Studies and Guiding Principles p. 13; How safe are your schools? p. 18; 4. Suggested steps towards safer school buildings p. 19; 4.1 Identifying Key Partners p. 23; 4.2 Determining risk p. 30; 4.3 Defining Performance Objectives p. 38; 4.4 Adopting Building Codes and Retrofit Standards p. 42; 4.5 Assessing a School site p. 46; 4.6 Assessing the Vulnerability of Existing School Buildings p. 54; 4.7 Preparing a School or Retrofitting Design p. 60; 4.8 Assuring Quality of Construction and Retrofit Works p. 69; 5. Basic Design Principles p. 75; 5.1 Earthquakes p. 77; 5.2 Windstorms p. 87; 5.3 Flood p. 92; 5.4 Landslide p. 95; 5.5 Wildfires p. 97; 6. Appendix 1. Rationale and Background to the Development of Guidance Notes on Safer School Construction p. 99; Appendix 2: Safe and Child Friendly School Buildings: A Save the Children poster p. 101; Appendix 3. Acknowledgements and Links to Additional Information, List of Documents Consulted p. 102 ( English )
(2009). Guidance notes on safer school construction. Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) at the World Bank (WB), United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE).

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Refer to main document/publisher for use rights.
Resource Identifier:

dpSobek Membership

Disaster Risk Reduction