National Report of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Disaster Reduction

Material Information

National Report of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Disaster Reduction
Ministry of Interior
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU)
World Conference on Disaster Reduction
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Risk management ( lcsh )
Climate change ( lcsh )
non-fiction ( marcgt )


This is a report that presents the status of disaster management in Iran, a country that is located in a disaster-prone region. Iran, as a result of its geographical location, is exposed to severe earthquakes, floods, droughts, landslides, deforestation, storms, and so on. The report presents different Iranian government bodies that are in charge of disaster management and their accomplishments in terms of disaster reduction. In Iran, the task of disaster management is assigned to the Bureau for Research and Coordination of Safety and Reconstruction Affairs (BRCSR), a government entity that works under the umbrella of the Iranian Interior Ministry. The BRCSR mission includes research related to safety measures, development of preparedness and mitigation plans, data collection and disaster analysis, coordination between stakeholders in terms of providing relief and undertaking reconstruction and rehabilitation works, monitoring of disaster management initiatives, assistance to local communities or provinces, as well as liaison with international agencies. The BRCSR shares the responsibility of disaster management with other government bodies. Among them are the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, which is responsible for housing projects and building codes; the Ministry of Energy that manages rivers and develops mitigation measures; and the Ministry of Jihad Construction that is assigned the role of supervising watersheds and forests. In terms of accomplishments, the report asserts that Iran is one of the first countries to establish legislation on a national committee for disaster reduction. It also asserts that Iran has enacted a building code that construction companies are required to follow at both national and local levels, and which gives power to local authorities to ensure safety measures. Lastly, the report argues that progress has been made in terms of raising public awareness on disaster reduction. It argues that Iranian authorities have extensively used the Iranian media to disseminate information on disaster reduction.
General Risk Reduction ( English )
(2005). National report of the Islamic Republic of Iran on disaster reduction. CRID.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Refer to main document/publisher for use rights.
Resource Identifier:

dpSobek Membership

Disaster Risk Reduction