Diagnóstico de la situación subregional andina sobre la prevención y respuesta a emergencias por productos químicos peligrosos y materiales radioactivos

Material Information

Diagnóstico de la situación subregional andina sobre la prevención y respuesta a emergencias por productos químicos peligrosos y materiales radioactivos
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU)
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Subjects / Keywords:
Risk management ( lcsh )
Disaster response and recovery ( lcsh )
non-fiction ( marcgt )


This document outlines the Andean Subregional Plan to prevent and respond to toxic chemical and radioactive materials disasters. It identifies advances and setbacks in moving towards reducing the adverse effects of these accidents on the region’s health and environment. This report begins by highlighting various forums held over the past couple of decades focused on the establishment of national, regional, and international chemical and radioactive materials management regimes. It particularly highlights the Comité Andino para la Prevención y Atención de Desastres (CAPRADE’s) work to formulate and implement an Andean Subregional Plan for the prevention and emergency response to hazardous chemical and radioactive materials disasters. Among the advances in participating countries, the following can be mentioned: the establishment of a national inventory of chemical substances; regulations for the identification, assessment, and monitoring of risks; national plans for the prevention, preparation, and response to chemical and radioactive emergencies; and training workshops to raise awareness. The document goes on to outline major incidents that have occurred throughout the region as a result of significant challenges in the establishment and implementation of public policies to effectively regulate toxic chemicals and substances. Setbacks include deficiencies in oversight and control mechanisms; insufficiencies in lab infrastructure and trained personnel; improper final disposal of hazardous substances; lack of standardization of registries; and still insufficient risk maps identifying vulnerable communities. The document also emphasizes the lack of homogeneity in the implementation of prevention and response protocols, the lack of effective disaster communication mechanisms, and the insufficient allocation of resources for prevention, response, and rehabilitation. Four strategic areas were identified by the countries of the Andean Subregion for reform: 1) strengthening of legal and institutional frameworks; 2) strengthening of knowledge and use of information; 3) implementation of measures to reduce risks; and 4) improvement of preparation and response mechanisms. The document recommends that efforts are increased to establish uniform standards for the risk assessment of chemicals; that there is harmonization of the classification and labeling of chemicals internationally; increased exchange of information regarding toxic chemicals and their risks; and increased efforts to stop the illegal trafficking of toxic materials.
General Risk Management
(2008). Plan subregional Andino para la prevención y respuesta a emergencias por productos químicos peligrosos y materiales radioactivos. Comité Andino para la Prevención y Atención de Desastres (CAPRADE).

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Refer to main document/publisher for use rights.

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Disaster Risk Reduction