Report for the evaluation of the DIPECHO action plans in South East Asia: 1998-2006

Material Information

Report for the evaluation of the DIPECHO action plans in South East Asia: 1998-2006
Wilderspin, Ian
Barham, Jane
Gill, Gerry
Ahmed, Iftekhar
Lockwood, Harold
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
European Commission Humanitarian Aid (ECHO)
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:
Physical Description:
Final report


Subjects / Keywords:
Risk management -- Southeast Asia ( lcshac )
European Commission. Humanitarian Aid Office -- Southeast Asia ( lcshac )
non-fiction ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
Asia -- Cambodia
Asia -- Indonesia
Asia -- Vietnam


This document is an evaluation of four European Commission’s Humanitarian Office (ECHO) disaster preparedness Action Plans for Southeast Asia. It reviews and assesses progress made in reducing vulnerability and enhancing the resilience to disaster of the most at-risk populations of Southeast Asia and the public institutions that seek to protect them. The DIPECHO program in Southeast Asia, carried out over the course of four Action Plans, is one of the longest running DIPECHO programs that has been implemented anywhere globally. However, little has been done in the way of evaluating the impact of these investments in almost eight years of action. The current document works to meet this need. While DIPECHO has been quite successful in carrying out its primary concern, the funding and promotion of community-based disaster risk reduction (DRR), the organization finds that its greatest flaw has been a failure to promote DRR strategies linked to long-term development objectives. It also found that one of its pillars, the mainstreaming of DRR, is too broad and generic. Additionally, DIPECHO feels that it has not completely fulfilled its mandate since ECHO, its umbrella organization, and the EU, in general, only have a limited knowledge of DRR and associated projects. Though it acknowledges an increasing awareness of DRR within the EC Directorates, integration of DRR into the agendas of these organizations remains woefully inadequate. This means that instead of focusing exclusively on supporting community-based DRR, DIPECHO will broaden its scope by emphasizing the implementation of all five Hyogo Framework for Action priorities, thus advocating a more comprehensive approach to DRR. Intrinsically this will lead DIPECHO to continue as the DRR branch of ECHO, to be gradually phased out as DRR becomes integrated into other EC development programs or to evolve into a new DRR mechanism with greater funding and human resources. The evaluation team visited three countries (Viet Nam, Cambodia and Indonesia), appraising the work of ten in-country project partners and two regional bodies. DIPECHO continues to be an excellent mechanism for the piloting of innovative and effective community-based initiatives at the local level, leading to positive impacts for direct beneficiaries. DIPECHO’s support is also helping to develop the capacities of local partners and local government agencies in Southeast Asia and around the world. ( English )
General Risk Reduction ( English )
Wilderspin, I., Casals, J. (2007). Report for the evaluation of the DIPECHO action plans in South East Asia: 1998-2006. European Commission’s Humanitarian Office (DIPECHO).

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Refer to main document/publisher for use rights.
Resource Identifier:

dpSobek Membership

Disaster Risk Reduction