The evaluation of risks, vulnerabilities and response capacity in the Mercosur countries and associated country Chile

Material Information

The evaluation of risks, vulnerabilities and response capacity in the Mercosur countries and associated country Chile
Simonelli, Mario M.
Duran, Luis Rolando
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
European Commission Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection (ECHO)
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:
Physical Description:
Final report


Subjects / Keywords:
MERCOSUR (Organization) ( lcshac )
Natural hazards and disasters -- South America ( lcshac )
Risk management -- South America ( lcshac )
Disaster response and recovery -- South America ( lcshac )
Spatial Coverage:
South America -- Argentina
South America -- Brazil
South America -- Chile
South America -- Paraguay
South America -- Uruguay


This document presents a Commission of the European Communities ex-ante evaluation of the disaster probability, vulnerability, and disaster response capacities of Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR) countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay), and associated country Chile. The evaluation will be used to decide whether or not there will be an extension of the fifth DIPECHO Action Plan. Between 1975 and 2002, the South America region experienced nearly $54 billion in disaster losses, averaging about $1.2 billion in damages a year. Growing disaster losses throughout the region has seriously impacted regional poverty reduction and development goals. The European Commission has been one of the entities within the international community to respond to recurring humanitarian crises throughout the region. It has been active in identifying vulnerable communities, implementing disaster preparedness projects, and responding to disasters where national response capacity is lacking. Currently, the European Commission’s disaster risk reduction (DRR) efforts have been concentrated in Bolivia, Colombia, Equator, Peru, and Venezuela. This preliminary evaluation is focusing on expanding the Commission’s work into other areas of South America, primarily the MERCOSUR countries. The evaluation consists of reviews of the literature and data related to the MERCOSUR countries, interviews in these countries, as well as interviews in three Andean countries (Peru, Equator, and Bolivia) in order to give the study a comparative perspective. The evaluators found that the MERCOSUR/Chile region is significantly exposed to natural hazards; that there was a systematic under-reporting of events that struck low-income municipalities; and that, as a result of this under-reporting, MERCOSUR countries were assumed to be less prone to disasters. The evaluators also found that the majority of the countries in the region lack a consistent approach to disaster risk management. Based on these findings, the evaluators made four main recommendations. They recommend that the DIPECHO program be extended to the MERCOSUR/Chile region; that a regional dialogue is started in order to establish an institutional approach to DRR; that support is given for regional projects in what they identified as homogeneous areas; and lastly, that MERCOSUR countries are incorporated into the existing Andean program. ( English )
General Risk Management ( English )
Simonelli. M. M., Duran, L. R. (2006). The evaluation of risks, vulnerabilities and response capacity in the Mercosur countries and associated country Chile. European Commission, Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid (ECHO).
General Note:

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Source Institution:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Refer to main document/publisher for use rights.
Resource Identifier:

dpSobek Membership

Disaster Risk Reduction