The evaluation of DIPECHO action plans in the Caribbean region

Material Information

The evaluation of DIPECHO action plans in the Caribbean region
Durán Vargas, Luis Rolando
Kressin, Jan
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
European Comission
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:
Physical Description:
Final report


Subjects / Keywords:
Risk management -- Caribbean Area ( lcshac )
City dwellers -- Caribbean Area ( lcshac )
Emergency management -- Caribbean Area ( lcshac )
Spatial Coverage:
Latin America


This report outlines the European Community’s Humanitarian Office for Disaster Preparedness’ (DIPECHO) guidelines for action in the Caribbean. It defines the scope of the entities work to provide support to regions in which there is a weak connection between government commitment and the national level and capacity to cope with disasters at the local level. Risks related to rapid urban population growth and hydrometeorological events in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Jamaica are prioritized for project implementation. Even though institutional commitment at the nation level is increasing throughout the region, this has not been translated into active engagement with disaster preparedness and disaster risk reduction (DRR) within civil society and local communities. Many communities are not resilient to the threat of disaster, and have little ability to cope with their impacts. Bottom-up approaches (programs that support communities and their basic organizations directly) have proven to have better results, in terms of increasing resilience and capacity, than top-down processes. ECHO is the only agency to fund Community-based Disaster Preparedness (CBDP) in all the countries of the region. In these countries, improving the disaster preparedness of vulnerable communities has been prioritized. The DIPECHO Action Plan IV includes: community disaster response committees; functional teams for preparation and implementation of immediate responsive action; training of community members and the staff of public institutions; development of vulnerability and capacity maps; establishment of community emergency plans; and installation of early warning systems. The report recommends that: 1) DIPECHO maintains a budget line that supports communities’ capacities for coping and resilience, through non-gov’t actors; 2) strengthens its advocacy pillar; 3) includes risk reduction criteria in the formulation of development-related projects; 4) supports the transfer of the programme to national institutions; and 5) places emphasis on mid to long term projects. ( English )
General Risk Management ( English )
Vargas, L.D., Kressin, J. (2004). The evaluation of DIPECHO action plans in the Caribbean region. Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid, European Commission (ECHO).

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Source Institution:
Florida International University
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dpSobek Membership

Disaster Risk Reduction