Ciudades en riesgo

Material Information

Ciudades en riesgo degradación ambiental, riesgos urbanos y desastres en América Latina.
Fernández, María Augusta ( editor )
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
Red de Estudios Sociales en Prevención de Desastres en América Latina (LA RED)
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Environmental degradation ( lcshac )
Risk management ( lcshac )
Natural hazards and disasters ( lcshac )
Urban development ( lcshac )
non-fiction ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
Latin America


This document emphasizes the need to integrate the work of those studying and crafting policies in relation to environmental degradation, urban risk, and disaster. While those in the field of disaster risk management (DRM) in the Latina America and Caribbean have a long history of developing theoretical frameworks and methodologies, as well as cataloging experiences in the region, there have also been many efforts towards integrating prevention and mitigation within development planning processes. Another field that has recently garnered a lot of attention from local and national governments, along with the private sector, in terms of moving toward sustainable development is that of environmental degradation management. Despite the having many of the same root concerns and overall objectives, this report finds that environmental degradation, urban risk, and disaster have been studied in compartments. In other words, there is a critical need to highlight the relationships and interactions between environmental degradation, urban vulnerabilities, and disaster. There is a lack of conceptual frameworks to address these relationships. The role of human activity in the process of environmental degradation as well as the generation of disaster risk must be understood comprehensively, and varied actions and mechanisms implemented to prevent them. It is important to bear in mind that the effects of environmental degradation, such as pollution and contamination, while invisible in the short run, negatively impact micro-systems (composed of communities, basic services, financial networks, migratory flux, etc.) over time, stretching their capacity to adapt, and eventually producing disaster. ( English )
Environment ( English )
General Risk Management ( English )
Scope and Content:
DEGRADACIÓN AMBIENTAL, RIESGO Y DESASTRE URBANO. PROBLEMAS Y CONCEPTOS: HACIA LA DEFINICIÓN DE UNA AGENDA DE INVESTIGACIÓN p. 2; ALLAN LAVELL p. 2; 1. INTRODUCCIÓN p. 2; 2. EL PROBLEMA Y EL CONTEXTO p. 2; 2.1. La urbanización p. 2; 2.2 La Ciudad, El Riesgo y los Desastres p. 3; 2.3 El Estado del Arte: El Conocimiento, Discusión e Investigación en torno a la Problemática p. 5; 3. PUNTO DE PARTIDA. LOS MACRO CONCEPTOS: DEGRADACIÓN AMBIENTAL, RIESGO Y DESASTRE p. 8; 3.1 Degradación Ambiental p. 8; 3.2 Riesgo p. 9; 3.3. Las amenazas p. 10; 3.4. Vulnerabilidades p. 15; 3.5. ¿Cómo ver los Desastres? p. 18; 4. CATEGORÍAS INTERMEDIAS: EL RIESGO ACEPTABLE, LA PERCEPCIÓN DEL RIESGO, LOS BIENES COMUNES, LOS BIENES COLECTIVOS Y EL BIEN PÚBLICO p. 22; 4.1 La Percepción del Riesgo (y de Amenaza) p. 23; 4.2. Riesgo Aceptable p. 23; 4.3. Bienes Comunes, Bienes Colectivos y la Ciudad como un Bien Público p. 25; 5. HACIA UNA AGENDA PRIORITARIA DE INVESTIGACIÓN p. 26; BIBLIOGRAFÍA p. 27 ( English )
Fernández, M.A. (1996). Ciudades en riesgo: degradación ambiental, riesgos urbanos y desastres en América Latina. Red de Estudios Sociales en Prevención de Desastres en América Latina (LA RED), Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLASCO), United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Refer to main document/publisher for use rights.
Resource Identifier:

dpSobek Membership

Disaster Risk Reduction