Escudriñando en los desastres a todas las escalas

Material Information

Escudriñando en los desastres a todas las escalas concepción, metodologia y análisis de desastres en América Latina utilizando desinventar
Velásquez, Andrés
Rosales, Cristina
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
Red de Estudios Sociales en Prevención de Desastres en América Latina (LA RED)
Publication Date:
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Subjects / Keywords:
Natural hazards and disasters -- Latin America ( lcshac )
Risk management -- Latin America ( lcshac )
non-fiction ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
Latin America


The report utilizes the methodology of the Disaster Inventory System/Sistema de Inventario de Desastres (DesInventar) to show how disasters are the result of multiple interactions between conditions of exposure, various forms of vulnerability, and physic-natural or anthropic-technological events. Increasingly, conditions of vulnerability are being documented in terms of their type, their causes, and their evolution. Within Latin America, LA RED has promoted differentiating between triggers of disaster (such as floods, heavy rains and earthquakes), and conditions of vulnerability. The document identifies three categories of disaster based on the interaction between conditions of vulnerability and triggers, also known as hazards. These are disasters based on interactions between: 1) Society - External Environmental Variables, 2) Society – Internal Environmental Variables, and 3) Society – Societal Variables. LA RED has identified the first and third categories as socio-natural disasters. The first category often refers to climatic variables, which may be amplified by human actions such as deforestation or poor land-use management. The second category typically covers events of great magnitude, but with little predictability, such as earthquakes. Despite the unpredictability of these events, the impact of societal vulnerabilities in increasing the impact of these kinds of events is noted. The third category generally refers to the manipulation of sources of energy, technological/industrial processes, and other human activities. This category specifically refers to interactions between societal vulnerabilities and hazards produced as the result of society (such as contaminations, accidents, outbreaks, and fires). While most focus tends to be on the largest national catastrophes, evidence from DesInventar reveals that it is the “small and invisible” disasters at the local level that are perhaps most devastating. They often lead to the accumulation of vulnerabilities as well as risks, producing the conditions that make larger disasters possible. The report calls on national governments and the international community to assist local communities and their governments in building their capacities to implement mitigation strategies and to move towards sustainable development. ( English )
General Risk Management ( English )
Proyecto DesInventar p. 3; Presentación p. 7; Primera Parte. Una visión sobre los desastres en América Latina. 1. Acerca de los desastres p. 11; 2. Objetivos y Metodología p. 15; 3. Síntesis de Resultados p. 19; 3.1 Desastres dentro de desastres p. 19; 3.2 La Ecuación General de los Desastres p. 20; 3.3 Categorías de los desastres p. 20; 3.4 Cubrimiento temporal p. 22; 3.5 Cubrimiento espacial según niveles de resolución p. 23; 3.6 Efectos p. 25; 3.6.1 Efectos sobre la vida humana p. 25; 3.6.2 Efectos sobre la vivienda p. 27; 3.6.3 Muertes y viviendas destruidas por cada cien mil habitantes p. 29; 3.6.4 Sobre sectores económicos, servicios e infraestructura vital p. 29; 3.6.5 Datos disponibles sobre pérdidas económicas p. 30; 4. Apoyo en Casos de Gestión de Riesgos p. 31; 4.1 Daños en las Redes de Acueducto en Cali, Colombia p. 31; 4.2 Evaluación de Efectos del fenómeno El Niño con comunidades del norte del Perú p. 33; 4.3 Asistencia Técnica a Honduras y Nicaragua, evaluación Efectos del Huracán Mitch p. 33; 5. Conclusiones y perspectivas p. 35
Velásquez, A., Rosales, C. (1999). Escudriñando en los desastres a todas las escalas: concepción, metodologia y análisis de desastres en América Latina utilizando desinventar. Red de Estudios Sociales en Prevención de Desastres en América Latina (LA RED).

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
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Refer to main document/publisher for use rights.
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dpSobek Membership

Disaster Risk Reduction