Regional collection of good practice

Material Information

Regional collection of good practice Millenium development goals and education for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific Region
The Korean National Commission for UNESCO (KNCU)
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
Korean National Commission for UNESCO (KNCU)
Publication Date:
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Subjects / Keywords:
Unesco. Associated Schools Project Network -- Asia ( lcshac )
Education -- Sustainable development -- Asia ( lcshac )
Risk management -- Asia ( lcshac )
Environmental sustainability -- Asia ( lcshac )
non-fiction ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
Asia -- Indonesia
Asia -- Korea
Asia -- Pakistan
Asia -- Sri Lanka
Asia -- Uzbekistan


This document seeks to address the challenges faced in trying to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the Asia-Pacific Region. Though it touches on all eight MDGs, particular emphasis is placed on the one most relevant to disaster risk reduction (DRR), Goal number 7, ensuring environmental sustainability. While states in the Asia-Pacific region have been able to make reasonable progress towards some of the MDGs, progress made so far is by no means sufficient. As such, the document suggests that states in the region adopt Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in order to make greater strides towards achieving the MDGs. ESD emphasizes development that ensures human and economic well-being while being consistent with cultural traditions and respect for the environment. Despite only being tangentially related to DRR, the document does touch on issues that can affect the success of DRR policies, namely poverty reduction and environmental sustainability. Of the nine school examples given among 5 Asian and Pacific states, five of them make mention that one of the relevant goals was the ‘prevention and reduction of disasters’. However, of those five school examples, only three dealt directly with the issue of DRR – the Al Izhar Youth Community Service: An Environmental Project aiming at saving the protected area of Mt. Halimun, West Java (Indonesia); Water and Natural Resource Management (Uzbekistan); and Creating an Oasis in the Desert (Uzbekistan). The examples provided an outline of the project, its goals, participant responses, project results, and the challenges faced. Nevertheless, these ‘relevant’ examples provided only limited information in the development and internalization of DRR initiatives and principles. ( English )
Scope and Content:
Acronyms p. 06; Acknowledgements p. 07; Preface p. 08; The UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) p. 10; Project Overview p. 11; What are the Millennium Development Goals? p. 12; What is Sustainable Development? p. 15; What is Education for Sustainable Development? p. 17; Suggested Sub-themes in Achieving MDGs through ESD p. 18; Application Analysis p. 21; Selected Good Practices: I. Indonesia p. 27; A. Al Azhar Students’ Peer Tutoring: Promoting Hygienic Life and Children Healthcare among School-kids p. 28; B. Al Izhar Youth Community Service: An Environmental Project Aiming to Save the Protected Area in Mt. Halimun, West Java p. 40; II. Republic of Korea p. 50; A. Youth MDGs p. 51; III. Pakistan p. 64; A. Protecting Biodiversity And Clean Environment For Sustainable Development p. 65; B. Peace and ESD Education Programme p. 77; IV. Sri Lanka p. 86; A. Cultural Diversity and Development of Peace and Harmony in Sri Lankan Society through School Practices p. 87; B. Equal Nutritious Breakfast p. 95; V. Uzbekistan p. 102; A. Water and Natural Resources Management p. 103; B. Creating an Oasis in the Desert p. 110; Appendices p. 119; A. Project Procedure p. 119; B. Organizing Team: Korean National Commission for UNESCO p. 125; C. Useful Resources p. 126 ( English )
(2009). Regional collection of good practices in achieving MDGs through ESD in Asia and the Pacific region. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Korean National Commission for UNESCO.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Refer to main document/publisher for use rights.
Resource Identifier:

dpSobek Membership

Disaster Risk Reduction