Minimum standards for economic recovery after crisis

Material Information

Minimum standards for economic recovery after crisis
The Small Enterprise Education and Promotion Network (The SEEP Network)
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU)
The Small Enterprise Education and Promotion Network (The SEEP Network)
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:
First Edition


Subjects / Keywords:
Economic development ( (lcsha) )
non-fiction ( marcgt )


This publication, prepared by the SEEP Network, ‘an association of more than seventy international NGOs that support micro and small enterprise development programs around the world’, focuses on ‘strategies and interventions designed to promote enterprises, employment, cash flow, and asset management among affected enterprises and livelihoods’ (p.8). The Minimum Standards are composed of six categories: Standards Common to All Economic Recovery Interventions, Assessments and Analysis Standards, Financial Services, Asset Interventions, Employment Creation, and Enterprise Development. The introduction recommends that the first two standards be read first before reading the last four standards which focus on technical program areas. The publication aims at being applicable across a range of crisis situations, from early response in emergencies to early reconstruction and long-term development. Minimum Standards promotes strategies and interventions that help rebuild working markets, while also maintaining the principle that ‘affected populations have a right to life with dignity’. According to the document, all economic recovery interventions should: (i) respond to market failures; (ii) ensure that programming is market-based; (iii) support long-term recovery; (iv) ensure program design and implementation is inclusive and transparent; (v) use both direct and indirect mechanisms to achieve impacts on target populations; (vi) coordinate efforts for greater impact; (vii) build technically component teams; and (viii) collect and apply learning (p.20-1). These standards should be applied in each of the four technical program areas. To help in the implementation of these standards economic recovery efforts, the publication provides key indicators and guidance notes for practitioners. These standards produced by the SEEP network are based on its fundamental belief that improving the opportunity for crisis affected populations to earn income is critical to helping them to preserve their dignity and recover from crisis. When individuals are able to find employment or establish their own businesses, they are empowered to regain control over their lives. ( English,English,English,English )
Scope and Content:
Overall Standards Structure p. 5; Introduction p. 7; Standards Common to All Categories p. 20; Assessments and Analysis Standards p. 42; Financial Services Standards p. 52; Access to Assets Standards p. 68; Employment Creation Standard p. 82; Enterprise Development Standards p. 88; Annex 1: Glossary for Economic Recovery Standards p. 101; Annex 2: Standards Development Task Force p. 117
(2009). Minimum standards for economic recovery after crisis. The Small Enterprise Education and Promotion Network (The SEEP Network).

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Sections of this publication may be copied or adapted to meet local needs without permission from The SEEP Network, provided that the parts copied are distributed for free or at cost—not for profit. Please credit Minimum Standards for Economic Recovery after Crisis and The SEEP Network for those sections excerpted. For any commercial reproduction, please obtain permission from The SEEP Network, 1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 414, Washington, DC 20009
Resource Identifier:

dpSobek Membership

Disaster Risk Reduction