UK fast start climate change finance

Material Information

UK fast start climate change finance providing help to the poorest to adapt to climate change and promoting cleaner, greener growth
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary report )
Department of Energy & Climate Change
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This United Kingdom (UK) Department for International Development (DFID) report defines the concept of Fast Start and underscores the commitment made by the UK government to assist developing countries in addressing and mitigating the risks associated with climate change. In the DFID report, Fast Start is defined as a pledge made by developed countries to give supplementary resources to developing countries in their endeavors to adapt or to mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change. In making this pledge, developed countries are addressing the fact that it is the poorest communities and poorest countries that are the most vulnerable to climate change, and thus need the most assistance in increasing their resilience and capacities to address climate-related risks. One of the countries that have made this pledge to developing countries is the United Kingdom (UK). According to the report, the UK government has pledged to assist developing countries in lowering carbon emissions and in developing adaptation measures to deal with the negative impacts of climate change. The UK government, the report argues, is committed to contributing approximately $2.4 billion, from 2010 to 2012, in the context of Fast Start. In the process of enabling developing countries to lower their carbon emissions, the UK government, the report points out, will specifically focus on lowering carbon growth, lowering carbon energy usage, ensuring energy efficiency, promoting clean energy, and supporting the involvement of private finance in global efforts to mitigate the threats posed by climate change. ( English )
Climate Change ( English )
(2010). UK fast start climate change finance: providing help to the poorest to adapt to climate change and promoting cleaner, greener growth. Department of Energy & Climate Change, United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID).

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Florida International University
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dpSobek Membership

Disaster Risk Reduction